Sunday, November 25, 2018

LAD/Blog #20: Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address

Image result for lincoln's second inaugural address
Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address

            Lincoln opens up by saying that he cannot relay much information about the Civil War because the public already knows so much about the events. He goes on by saying that in his first inaugural, he had hoped to keep the nation together without war, but as time went on, one half of the nation wanted war to split the nation apart, and the other wanted war to keep the nation together. With these mindsets, the war was inevitable. Lincoln goes on to proclaim that slavery was one of the leading factors to the bloodiest war that exceeded the expectations of both the Union and Confederacy. Even so, Lincoln vowed to end what the South started and take care of the nation when the war was complete.
Image result for fdr war inaugural
FDR's First Inaugural Address had the same concerns
as Lincoln, how to keep the nation out of war, but
if it was necessary, how to keep the nation stable in
times of war. FDR attempted to keep the US neutral
in the European war, but knew he would eventually
have to take his country into war.

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