Sunday, November 25, 2018

LAD/Blog #21: Emancipation Proclamation

Image result for emancipation proclamation
Emancipation Proclamation

            Lincoln begins the long process of freeing African Americans from slavery in the South with his Emancipation Proclamation. He announced that in any state where slaves were not freed, that state would be considered to be in open rebellion against the government. He also gave the Union military the responsibility of ensuring the freedom of slaves in the states listed. Those states were Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia. Lincoln then announced that all slaves in those states were freed and encouraged them to join the Union military.
Image result for 13th amendment
The Thirteenth Amendment of the Constitution 
officially abolished slavery in all parts of the nation.
Similar to the Emancipation Proclamation, except
it was enforced by the whole country and southern
states were made to follow it.

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