Sunday, March 10, 2019

LAD/Blog #37: FDR's Executive Order 9066

Image result for executive order 9066
Executive Order 9066

           FDR issued his Executive Order 9066 as a security measure for the United States after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. The order basically gave the Secretary of War and Military Commanders the right to create military areas and relocate Japanese-Americans to them. In these areas, people were excluded and the commanders could impose their own restrictions. Plus, the President asked for the support of several Federal agencies, which was seen in "Home is a Horse Stall", where Sox was put into an internment camp created by the Federal government. Considering how bad the bombing was, I understand FDR's need for national security. I also believe that the internment camps took it too far by excluding the Japanese-Americans, most of whom had been born in the United States and were American citizens.
Image result for dawes act
The Dawes Act of 1887 permitted the
selling of Native American land, 
while the tribes were being pushed
into reservations and excluded from
the decisions.

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