Saturday, November 17, 2018

LAD/Blog #19: Dred Scott Decision

Image result for dred scott
Dred Scott

          Furthering the issue of slavery, the Dred Scott case originally ruled in favor of John Sanford, but made its way up to the Supreme Court. The decision of the Missouri Compromise was eventually called in to question of how constitutional it was. Justice Nelson was given the opportunity to revise the compromise, with Justice Taney making the final decision. Taney made the arguments that African Americans were not considered citizens of the United States, and therefore, should not be allowed to sue in court. He also professed that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional since it prohibited the rights to private property, one of the many things America was built on. The case was thrown out by Justice Taney and the war path to the Civil War became clearer.
Image result for plessy vs ferguson 1896
The Plessy v Ferguson case was just another step to 
discriminate against African Americans. "Separate
but equal" became the South's new motto when the 
Supreme Court called discrimination constitutional. 
This stems back from the slavery days and even connects
to the Dred Scott decision.

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