Saturday, November 17, 2018

LAD/Blog #18: Sojourner Truth's "Ain't I a Woman" Speech

Image result for sojourner truth
Sojourner Truth

           Sojourner Truth delivered her famous speech thinking that something must have been happening with all the commotion in the country. She stated that it had to do with the African Americans in the South and women in the North. Two groups under oppression, attempting to get their rights back from those who took them away. She always heard that women be treated with utmost delicacy, helping them over mud puddles and into carriages. The only problem was that she had not be treated with the same delicacy. "Ain't she a woman" that deserves the same privileges as others? She tells of all the hard work she has done over the years and all she has earned was punishment. Sojourner Truth wanted to be treated the same as any other woman and if they were powerful enough to turn the world upside down, they were powerful enough to fix it with no one to stop them.
Image result for seneca falls convention 1848
The Seneca Falls Convention in 1848 was another
call to action for women in the United States. They
wanted to fight the oppression they had been under
for so long. They wanted equal rights.

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