Saturday, November 17, 2018

Frederick Douglass' "Fifth of July" Speech

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Frederick Douglass

           Frederick Douglass opens up his speech by asking the question of why black Americans must celebrate independence. Why are they required to do so, when the only ones who are truly independent are white Americans? He brings his audience on a guilt trip, highlighting how although the white man celebrates life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, he still takes away the freedom of another, only different by skin tone. Douglass also tells the stories of how black men and women are mistreated every day. Most crimes perpetrated by a black American would lead to death, while a white American would get off scot-free. He wanted his audience to think on how despairing the nation's state had gotten to and do their best to stop the mistreatment of black Americans.

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The Women's March after Trump's election in 2016
also was a way to make the leaders of the United States
to take heed of the mistreatment of members in society.
Women of all races came out to make a statement for
their rights as citizens.

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