Wednesday, September 26, 2018

LAD/Blog #8: Washington's Farewell Address

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Washington's Farewell Address
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Federalist Paper No. 10 also warned against factions
because they split the country apart in ideas,
interests, and opinions.

1. Summarize.

         Tips of advice for the future of the United States. He warned about multiple different ways the government could go and suggested that staying together as a group would be the best option. He said that having political parties would become factions that would tear the nation apart.

2. 3 biggest warnings?

      Avoid political parties and remain a cohesive group, stay away from long-term alliances with other countries, and avoid excessive geographical distinctions.

LAD/Blog #7: Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality

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Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality

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World War II and the United States policy
of neutrality until the bombing of Pearl Harbor

1. Summarize.

       In conflicts between any European nations, the United States would take a neutral position and not get involved. Any United States citizen will be punished if they make any attempt at aiding the countries in their hostilities. If they do get involved the government will not back them and get them out trouble.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

LAD/Blog #6: Federalist Paper #10

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Federalist Paper No. 10

1. What is a faction?

         The class a person is considered in when there is a difference of money made, property owned, interests, and opinions. Most factions make alliances within their own and infringe on others.

2. Are factions good or bad?

      The factions are bad because they separate out the minority and discriminate against them. The majority will do whatever it takes to get what they want, even if it means stepping on some toes.

3. Why are factions so difficult to eliminate?

      Their elimination would mean having to take away the liberties fought so hard for in the American Revolution. Plus, forcing all people to have the same opinions, passions, and interests.

4. If factions cannot be removed, then how can they be controlled?

      By creating a republic, the factions can be controlled. This allows all people in different factions to vote on different matters and validating their different opinions.

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US Constitution regulated how the government
was going to be run to prevent the violence
and destruction caused by factions

Monday, September 24, 2018

LAD/Blog #5: Republican Motherhood

1. What role did the American Revolution play in the transformation of housewifery to Republican Motherhood?

         It allowed women to become patriotic by raising future children to aid in the revolutionary cause. That was the mother's role in revolutionary society.

2. What were the consequences of Republican Motherhood on women?

       They were not given the same level of education as men since they were required to remain at home and take care of their children. Plus, they were expected to act proper and correct a man's mistakes, while he was allowed to go off and be ungentlemanly.

3. What is the significance of the ideology of Republican Motherhood as a stage in the process of women's socialization?

These ideologies set the basis for which women were to be treated as for the next several hundred years. Men began slowly taking away what little rights women had, making them solely dependent on their male family member.

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Mary Gibson Tilghman and her sons

1. Mary Gibson Tilghman and her two sons, sitting in a chair

2. Mary Tilghman is the center of the portrait. She looks prim and proper, like ladies were supposed to be. She is republican because she is rather simply dressed, pointing to the fact that she remains at home to take care of her children.

3. The sons look as though they were well taken care of and polite. Based on the way they were dressed, they already knew the manners of society.

4. Mary Tilghman's arm symbolizes the amount of power and protection she has over her children when they were that young.

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Women's suffrage movement was based on the
rules set by republican motherhood, but they decided
to fight the inequality to get votes for women
and equal education opportunities

Monday, September 17, 2018

LAD/Blog #4: Rethinking the Revolution

1. John Adams was jealous that George Washington and Benjamin Franklin got all the credit and spotlight for the Revolutionary War, when he too, played a significant role.

2. George Washington had a biography written about him during the French and Indian War, but did not permit the writer to include some of the nastier aspects of the war.

3. About 30,000 who fought in the war, died.

4. Many popular paintings of the Revolutionary War depict inaccurate events according to what originally happened.

5. In Washington's address to Congress, he did not mention the soldiers who had enlisted and died in the army. Plus, he did not acknowledge any battles in the war.

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Revolutionary War battle

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Washington's crossing of the Delaware with several
inaccurate depictions, such as his age, the time
of day and incorrect version of the American flag

Sunday, September 16, 2018

LAD/Blog #3: Declaration of Independence

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The Constitution stated certain rights that could
not be taken away or disputed, to ensure no ruler
could be as oppressive and King George III
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Signing of the Declaration of Independence

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Declaration of Independence 1776

1.) List the democratic principles discussed in the opening.

          Every person is entitled to life, liberty, and happiness, which is not to be disputed. Also, a government should rule with the consent of those it is ruling. Plus, if the government is not doing a good job according to the people, those same people have a right to overthrow it and put in place the government that best suits them.

2.) List 5 grievances the colonists were making the King aware of.

         The King refused to pass laws for the benefit of the majority, dissolved representative bodies that opposed his power, refused to establish judiciary powers, made judges dependent on him and give rulings that pleased him, and imposed steep taxes without the consent of the colonists.

3.) Summarize what the final paragraph is saying

        The colonies free themselves from the oppression of the British Empire and can now conduct their own business without Britain interfering.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

LAD/Blog #2: Peter Zenger

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John Peter Zenger

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The First Amendment in the Constitution
promoting the use of free speech
 and preventing those in power from
censoring it

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Zenger trial reported
in his newspaper

1.) Who was Peter Zenger?
           Peter Zenger was the printer of the New-York Weekly Journal, in which he helped print views of the Cosby administration as tyrannical and a violator of rights.

2.) What was the controversy over his charges?
          Governor William Cosby wanted to remove Zenger as the publisher because of the way Zenger's newspaper portrayed him. However, no grand jury would indict Zenger and when Cosby attempted to have the newspaper burned, the Court of Quarter Sessions refused to enter the order.

3.) What influence did his case have on American governmental traditions?

           Zenger's case enforced the rule of all having a fair trial and legal representation. Governor Cosby tried with all his might to tip the scales in his favor, but it only showed the colonists how important a fair trial was.

4.) What is the lasting significance of his trial?

           The protection under the constitution of free speech. Leaders can no longer censor newspapers or any other type of media that paints them in a bad light or says negative things about them.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

LAD/Blog #1: Mayflower Compact/Fundamental Orders of CT

 1.) What concepts are included in the Mayflower Compact?

         The Mayflower Compact includes ideas of democracy with a body of representatives that meet to discuss rules and laws of the colony. Plus, they created laws with the idea in mind of pleasing the colonists and giving them what they needed.

2.) How does the Mayflower Compact reflect attachment to both the "Old" and "New" worlds?

         The Mayflower Compact recognizes King James as their actual ruler, which is the "Old" world, but is starting the formation of democracy, which is the beginning of the "New" world.

3.) How did the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut differ from the Mayflower Compact?

        The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut elects multiple men into power as to check them and prevent a king like King James, whereas the Mayflower Compact still recognizes King James as the one with the power. Plus, the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut name specific rights that each man is entitled to and the Mayflower Compact is just a general agreement to set up a government.

4.) What prompted colonists of Connecticut to take this approach to government, ie.: use of a written constitution?

       A written constitution allowed the colonists to make their liberties and basic rights official so no ruler could dispute them. Whereas in Britain, King James just made any law he decided on and could take away all the rights of his subjects with no struggle. 

5.) In what way(s) does the Fundamental Orders reflect a fear of and safeguard against the usurping of power by one person or a chosen few?

     The Fundamental Orders dictate that a body of representatives and elected officials would be in place to help check each other in order to prevent "the usurping of power". Also, it clearly states what specific rights and liberties the colonists desired to hinder the ruler in taking away their rights.
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Fundamental Orders of Connecticut-1639
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US Constitution-stated basic liberties
of the colonists and laid down the
foundations of modern democracy
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Mayflower Compact-1620

LAD/Blog #39: Brown v Board of Education

Linda Brown The 1954 Supreme Court case, Brown v Board of Education , the Supreme Court ruled that segregating schools was unconst...