Monday, September 17, 2018

LAD/Blog #4: Rethinking the Revolution

1. John Adams was jealous that George Washington and Benjamin Franklin got all the credit and spotlight for the Revolutionary War, when he too, played a significant role.

2. George Washington had a biography written about him during the French and Indian War, but did not permit the writer to include some of the nastier aspects of the war.

3. About 30,000 who fought in the war, died.

4. Many popular paintings of the Revolutionary War depict inaccurate events according to what originally happened.

5. In Washington's address to Congress, he did not mention the soldiers who had enlisted and died in the army. Plus, he did not acknowledge any battles in the war.

Image result for revolutionary war
Revolutionary War battle

Image result for revolutionary war
Washington's crossing of the Delaware with several
inaccurate depictions, such as his age, the time
of day and incorrect version of the American flag

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