Saturday, September 8, 2018

LAD/Blog #2: Peter Zenger

Image result for john peter zenger
John Peter Zenger

Image result for freedom of speech news
The First Amendment in the Constitution
promoting the use of free speech
 and preventing those in power from
censoring it

Image result for john peter zenger trial newspaper
Zenger trial reported
in his newspaper

1.) Who was Peter Zenger?
           Peter Zenger was the printer of the New-York Weekly Journal, in which he helped print views of the Cosby administration as tyrannical and a violator of rights.

2.) What was the controversy over his charges?
          Governor William Cosby wanted to remove Zenger as the publisher because of the way Zenger's newspaper portrayed him. However, no grand jury would indict Zenger and when Cosby attempted to have the newspaper burned, the Court of Quarter Sessions refused to enter the order.

3.) What influence did his case have on American governmental traditions?

           Zenger's case enforced the rule of all having a fair trial and legal representation. Governor Cosby tried with all his might to tip the scales in his favor, but it only showed the colonists how important a fair trial was.

4.) What is the lasting significance of his trial?

           The protection under the constitution of free speech. Leaders can no longer censor newspapers or any other type of media that paints them in a bad light or says negative things about them.

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